Grid Cartographer 4 Key Serial _TOP_
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These data tools provide a means for data discovery, search, and access with capabilities for geolocation (identifying location based on user location via a data collection mechanism), reprojection of datasets (from one coordinate system to another), and mapping of datasets on a grid.
Geohash is a public domain geocode system invented in 2008 by Gustavo Niemeyer[1] which encodes a geographic location into a short string of letters and digits. Similar ideas were introduced by G.M. Morton in 1966.[2] It is a hierarchical spatial data structure which subdivides space into buckets of grid shape, which is one of the many applications of what is known as a Z-order curve, and generally space-filling curves.
For exact latitude and longitude translations Geohash is a spatial index of base 4, because it transforms the continuous latitude and longitude space coordinates into a hierarchical discrete grid, using a recurrent four-partition of the space. To be a compact code it uses base 32 and represents its values by the following alphabet, that is the "standard textual representation".
The most important property of Geohash for humans is that it preserves spatial hierarchy in the code prefixes. For example, in the "1 Geohash digit grid" illustration of 32 rectangles, above, the spatial region of the code e (rectangle of greyish blue circle at position 4,3) is preserved with prefix e in the "2 digit grid" of 1024 rectangles (scale showing em and greyish green to blue circles at grid).
Renewed interest in ssEM as a high-resolution 3D tool for neuroscience has led to improvements over the last decade in this otherwise time-, skill-, and labor-intensive approach [34], [35]. Recent studies [16], [18] have benefitted from newly developed methods based on an SEM platform using backscatter imaging from a tissue block surface that is successively removed by the diamond knife (serial block-face SEM, or SBFSEM; [36]) or a focused ion beam (FIB-SEM; [37], [38]). Unfortunately, these approaches may not yield the level of lateral resolution or contrast necessary for unequivocal identification of the nanoscale subcellular structures as discussed above. Furthermore, these approaches are destructive, so that sections cannot be retrieved for subsequent viewing at higher resolution.
The serial ultrathin sections were imaged with either a JEOL JEM-1400 TEM (Tokyo, Japan) or a Zeiss SUPRA 40 field-emission (FE) SEM (Oberkochen, Germany). The TEM is equipped with a charge coupled device (CCD) camera with the field size of 4,0804,080 (or 16.65106) pixels (Gatan UltraScan 4000; Pleasanton, CA), controlled by DigitalMicrograph software (Gatan). For TEM, the slot grids containing serial ultrathin sections were loaded into grid cassettes that were individually loaded into a Gatan 650 CC specimen holder that allow the grid to be rotated inside the chamber. The holder accommodates one grid at a time, and requires manual exchange between grids. At 6,000magnification at 2 nm pixel size with the accelerating voltage of 120 kV, serial section images were manually acquired as the Gatan proprietary.dm3 files, which were later batch converted into 8-bit JPEG files with DigitalMicrograph software. Conversion into JPEG was originally done to save space in our database. No practical differences in identification of key structures were found compared to the same.dm3 images converted into TIFF format.
If the size of each image field needs to be extended beyond 32,76832,768 pixels, the operator can set up mosaics by specifying the target dimensions of the image field and the amount of overlap between image tiles. ATLAS then automatically determines the number of image tiles per field, based on the pixel size and the size of each image tile. For example, an image field of 360 µm wide60 µm tall can be set up as a 61 mosaic of image tiles measuring 32,76832,768 pixels each at 2 nm pixel size (Fig. 1E). The operator is required to mark only the center of mosaic field (*