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Ruben Kolesnikov
Ruben Kolesnikov

The Family (2011)

Rob Humanick of Slant magazine liked the film and awarded the film 4 out of 4 stars, and wrote in his review, "An acutely felt, altogether devastating family drama as intimate and affecting as it is sprawling and untamed."[8]

The Family (2011)

In the town of Martin, Tennessee, Chip Hines, a precocious six year old, has only known life with his two dads, Cody and Joey. And a good life it is. When Cody dies suddenly in a car accident, Joey and Chip struggle to find their footing again. Just as they begin to, Cody's will reveals that he named his sister as Chip's guardian. The years of Joey's acceptance into the family unravel as Chip is taken away from him. In his now solitary home life, Joey searches for a solution. The law is not on his side, but friends are. Armed with their comfort and inspired by memories of Cody, Joey finds a path to peace with the family and closer to his son.

If someone tells you they like "suspenseful movies" you should hand them In The Family with the warning "I hope you like the edge of your seat!!!" It's the story of a father's (Patrick Wang) valiant attempt to gain custody of the son he raised with his partner (the boy's biological father) after an accident takes the biological father out of the picture. It's a whopping three hours long, but you don't feel the strain for a second, as Wang meticulously captures every moment in long takes packed with emotions on the precipice of exploding into righteous fury. A beautiful meditation on what it means to have a family.

Don't let this film's long running time intimidate you: every minute of Patrick Wang's In the Family absolutely earns it. It's a film that feels like it's capturing the feeling of watching the portrait of a very ordinary family slowly breaking down and working through the process of recovery. I think there's also just something special to be found in the way that Patrick Wang frames his actors, for many it may echo the work of Yasujiro Ozu but I think that the framing only heightens the emotions on display: and they bring us much closer to the story in turn, and how deeply painful it all feels.

The White House photo office today released a new official portrait of the First Family, which was taken by Pete Souza in the Oval Office on Sunday December 11, 2011 after the family returned to the White House after church services. The previous official portrait, below, was taken in the Green Room in 2009 by Annie Leibovitz.

The data in this report included a number of sociodemographic factors associated with MBDDs, including poverty and living in a primarily English-speaking household. Household language might be reflective of increased access to health care (and thus increased likelihood of being diagnosed) or the level of acculturation, a factor that has been associated with risk behaviors and poorer health outcomes in some domains (5). The identified health care, family, and community factors associated with child MBDDs in this report have each previously been documented to be associated with poverty (6). Each significant factor might reflect the effect of insufficient parental and community resources to support optimal child development and might contribute to chronic stress. Chronic stress in early childhood can impact lifelong health. A chronically activated physiologic stress response impacts the sympathetic nervous system, metabolism, and the brain, resulting in increased risk for high blood pressure, obesity, inflammatory diseases, and mental and behavioral disorders (1). The prevalences of both poverty and MBDDs have been increasing among U.S. children, underscoring the need for public health strategies to prevent and treat MBDDs (7).

The findings in this report are subject to at least five limitations. First, the presence of MBDDs was based on parent report and might be subject to recall error or bias. Second, children with undiagnosed disorders were not included, and therefore, state estimates of these disorders might vary both by presence of disorders and likelihood of identification. Similarly, state data on health care, family, and community factors might be influenced by prevalence of MBDDs. Third, the cross-sectional nature of the data and reliance on parent report prevented drawing conclusions about the direction of the associations or about causality. Fourth, although the data were weighted for nonresponse, bias related to nonresponse might remain given the low response rate. Finally, a wide range of disorders were included and might be differentially related to health care, family, and community factors, and also likely vary in the extent to which they can be prevented.

The poverty estimates released today compare the official poverty thresholds to money income before taxes, not including the value of noncash benefits. The Census Bureau's statistical experts, with assistance from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and in consultation with other appropriate agencies and outside experts, have developed a Supplemental Poverty Measure (SPM) to serve as an additional indicator of economic well-being by incorporating additional items such as tax payments and work expenses in its family resource estimates. It does not replace the official poverty measure and will not be used to determine eligibility for government programs.

Refers to a married couple (with or without children of either and/or both spouses), a common-law couple (with or without children of either and/or both partners) or a lone parent of any marital status, with at least one child. A couple may be of opposite sex or same sex. A couple family with children may be further classified as either an intact family in which all children are the biological and/or adopted children of both married spouses or of both common-law partners or a stepfamily with at least one biological or adopted child of only one married spouse or common-law partner and whose birth or adoption preceded the current relationship. Stepfamilies, in turn may be classified as simple or complex. A simple stepfamily is a couple family in which all children are biological or adopted children of one, and only one, married spouse or common-law partner whose birth or adoption preceded the current relationship. A complex stepfamily is a couple family which contains at least one biological or adopted child whose birth or adoption preceded the current relationship. These families contain children from:

'Children' refer to blood, step or adopted sons and daughters (regardless of age or marital status) who are living in the same dwelling as their parent(s), as well as grandchildren in households where there are no parents present. Sons and daughters who are living with their married spouse or common-law partner, or with one or more of their own children, are not considered to be members of the census family of their parent(s), even if they are living in the same dwelling. In addition, the sons or daughters who do not live in the same dwelling as their parent(s) are not considered members of the census family of their parent(s). Sons or daughters who study or have a summer job elsewhere but return to live with their parent(s) during the year are considered members of the census family of their parent(s).

As of 2011, a child living with a couple family can be identified as a child in an intact family; the child of one parent in a simple stepfamily; the child of one parent in a complex stepfamily; or the child of both parents in a complex stepfamily.

In the 1996, 2001 and 2006 censuses, the write-in responses for Question 6 (Relationship to Person 1) on the short questionnaire were not coded to the appropriate detailed relationship value, but were classified as 'other' relationships. Only write-in responses from the long questionnaire (20% sample) were fully coded. As a result, family characteristics are available only for the 20% sample for those years.

The census family and its associated classifications and variables are derived according to responses to the questions on sex, date of birth, marital status, common-law status and relationship to Person 1. In addition, consideration is given to the order in which household members are listed on the questionnaire.

However, adults under the age of 50 are much less likely to have family members who served in the military. Some 57% of those ages 30-49 say they have an immediate family member who served. And among those ages 18-29, the share is only one-third.

The Pew Research study also included a survey of military veterans. It found that veterans are more likely than members of the general public to have family connections to the military. Seven-in-ten veterans say they have an aunt or uncle who served in the military. This compares with 62% of all adults. Fully half of military veterans have a parent who served, compared with 41% among the general public. And 43% of veterans say they have a sister or brother who served in the military, compared with 27% of all adults.

The biggest gap in terms of family connections is in the share that has a child who has served in the military. Veterans are more than twice as likely as members of the general public to say they have a son or daughter who has served (21% vs. 9%). Members of the public are more likely than veterans to say they have a grandparent who served in the military (51% vs. 37%).

This military-civilian gap is much wider among younger respondents. Among those under age 40, 60% of veterans have an immediate family member who served in the military. This compares with only 39% of all adults younger than 40. Among those ages 40 and older, the gap is much smaller: 81% of veterans compared with 74% of all adults in that age group have an immediate family member who served in the military.

This suggests that the gap between veterans and the general public in the share that has family connections to the military may be a relatively new phenomenon. With the shrinking size of the military in recent decades there are now fewer connections between the military and the civilian world. This is reflected in the relatively small share of young adults (39%) with an immediate family member who has served in the armed forces. 041b061a72


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